Art Therapy in the Museum: Lectures

You can find all the lectures from the first season on our Youtube channel
Together with the Museum of Moscow, supported by the ArtSocial Foundation, we organize Open Lectures on art therapy.
Once a month, from September to May, leading foreign and Russian experts in the field of art therapy give lectures on the specifics of the method and its application.
The course at the Museum of Moscow will introduce all interested parties to the basics of art therapy and various techniques of its use. The lecture materials will be relevant for art therapists, the museum community, and city residents at large interested in various methods of psychotherapy.

Meetings are held in three areas: Art Therapy, Museum Art Therapy, and Art Therapy for Specialists.
Among the lecturers
The course is not therapeutic and serves exclusively for educational purposes.
The program for the second season of Open Lectures will be published in September 2022. See you soon.